Tuesday, May 5, 2015


It is already May and I haven't even touched this blog since September... soooooooo let me recap.

So far in twenty fifteen, I have not done a whole lot other than attend school and work a bunch! I took it upon myself to finally take time off work during spring break. My friends and I went to Seattle for a girls weekend/ birthday weekend for Alexa. After spring break ended, I realized that I really enjoy taking time off so I made all kinds of plans for my summer. Camping, mountain biking, paddle boarding, longboarding, Watershed, Disney World, surfing in Florida and so much more! I am a busy bee but I'm trying to be as active as I can! Hopefully I get to see a lot of family and friends and have the best summer ever since I should GRADUATE from COLLEGE next spring, yikes! Then I'll be forced to be a big girl and take full responsibility over my life. (Thank you mom, dad, John, and Kim) 

Until next time. . .


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